Jim Bullard, Bullard!
So another hugely unimpressive England game comes and goes. We did a "professional job" and won the game but it wasn't pretty and it certainly wasn't fun to watch. Maybe we are too impatient, want too much too soon, but I saw nothing to indicate we were making any steps towards having a team capable of winning (or even performing well) at a major competition. After the excitement of Jimmy's inclusion in the squad, it was a huge disappointment to see him fail to even claim a place on the bench. It looks pretty unlikely now that he'll feature against Croatia and I'm beginning to wonder whether I really care about England anymore.
There were a few bright points. Theo Walcott looked very lively in the first 20 minutes, Joe Cole added some much needed invention when he came on (and of course took both goals very well) and ... well that's it really. There seems to be a lack of balance in the side, a failure to step up a level and really take a team on. We just do enough to get by. I know I'm biased, but I couldn't help feeling Bullard would have added something to the centre midfield. Lampard was largely anonymous and even his free kick that lead to the first goal was miss hit. On paper both Lampard and Gerrard are better than Jimmy, but they've failed to show that for England. I think it's about time they got the kick up the arse they deserve and started having to actually win their place again.
Silva: ‘Two mistakes’ cost Fulham
6 days ago
Who's Jimmy Bullard ?
Are you insane?
fckin idjit who the fck is jimmy bushitard
Hmm. What wonderfully erudite replies. You've absolutely convinced me that I'm wrong.
Gerrard IS a world class midfielder (though I don't think he's the best in the world) it's just a shame he doesn't prove that when he plays for England.
Who gives a fuck about how Gerrard plays for England, he's a Liverpool player and will give 110% for Liverpool not England, England are shit and always will be shit, I would love Stevie to do what Carragher done and fuck of England and all their fickle fans.
Well I'd be happy with that as well. Playing for your national side should be the pinnacle of any footballers career. If it isn't perhaps it would be better if you just admitted it and stepped aside for someone who does want to play.
Bizzarely all this scouse based correspondance has cheered me up somewhat after the disappointment of not getting to see Jimmy wear the three lions.
It would help if SG was played in his preferred position for a start!!!!!Stick Jimmy Bullard out wide on the left or right and then see how good he is before posting shite!!!!!
I can agree that Lampard has failed to prove his potential when playing with England (like when playing against heavy opposition in PL), but that is not to be said about Gerrard.
I think that Gerrard has proven his potential many times when playing for England, even though both Sven and Capello still hasnt realized that they should sack Lampard and instead play a holding midfielder with Gerrard.
Gee I can't believe that no-one, not a sole agrees with you. Not a single Fulham supporter would go out on a limb and agree with you. Maybe it's because your a WUM. It's easy to sit back and slag others off but wise up
mate. Jimmy Bullard would never cut it at the top.
Gee I can't believe that no-one, not a sole agrees with you. Not a single Fulham supporter would go out on a limb and agree with you. Maybe it's because your a WUM. It's easy to sit back and slag others off but wise up
mate. Jimmy Bullard would never cut it at the top.
I didn't actually say anything bad about Sir Stevie of Gerrard in my post - just used a chant as my headline AND I never said Bullard was better than either player just that he would try harder.
It seems I touched a nerve - sorry, let's leave it there shall we?
Though he IS thinner than Frank Lampard - that's a given.
England are shiite and as as usual pride in the shirt counts for crap there are a lot lesser sides on paper who are out there avin a dip maybe they should give this no name a run!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
he he. Look what you've done, Dave!
I'm going to join in.
If Steve Gerrard's so good, why do people keep playing him in positions where he's not so good? Why don't they move lesser players? Diego Maradona never had this problem.
Bullard has scored more free-kicks than Gerrard, is probably a better passer, he just doesn't look like a footballer so much.
Something needs to change in the England side. If you headbutt a wall fifty times and it hurts every time you do it, you stop headbutting the wall, no?
Bring in Bullard! He's our only hope!
Thanks Rich.
(Not to self: Maybe avoid using headlines that will get you listed on the Liverpool page of NewsNow. It might boost my hit rate but it appears they've not got a great sense of humour!)
Anonymous said...
Gee I can't believe that no-one, not a sole agrees with you. Not a single Fulham supporter would go out on a limb and agree with you. Maybe it's because your a WUM. It's easy to sit back and slag others off but wise up
mate. Jimmy Bullard would never cut it at the top.
Well ill go on record and say I agree, Bullard deserves his chance.
For all you Gerrard Lovers, Lampard amazingly has mroe assists AND more goals, and in less games for England
Good post Chopper. Sounds to me like the Liverpool and Chelsea supporters who don't want Jimmy to get a cap are a bunch of cowards. They're scared that a talented and enthusiastic player from outside of the big teams will make they're idols seem plain and expose them as jaded.
I hope he get some time in against Croatia but I'm afraid Capello knows that the club before country fans would rather see England lose than win without they're players.
'Mishit' perhaps? A bit like your 'article'!
Damo - WHAT are you talking about?!
Gee - International weeks are usually so much quieter than this.
Actually, I'm a Liverpool fan, but I think that chant is an absolute classic... Never get tired of hearing it. I hope JB gets his chance. Yes, and Mr Chop Chop, if you do insist on mentioning Steven Gerrard in your headlines, you will have to pay the Newsnow-driven consequences.
"Scousers" and "no sense of humour, though". That ain't right...
anon - Fairplay, thanks for the more positive comment. I was only being miscievious about the sense of humour thing but you have to admit most of the comments on here haven't shown 'Pool fans in a great light. Still, lesson learnt - I'll probably avoid any inflamatory headlines for a while. ;0)
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